The guide to the italian Producers of olive oil
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Vultaggio Poma Giuseppe, Story

Vultaggio Poma Giuseppe, Story

This farm was established in 1928 in the fertile fields of Erice countryside, when “grandpa Peppe” working of his own will with devotion and wisdom, made the agricultural job his one and only passion. And his grandson Giuseppe still believes in it today; he has inherited his grandfather’s love for land and the respect for traditions and has encouraged the growth of the farm that now he administrates successfully. His cultural qualification in agriculture has allowed Giuseppe junior to promote the farm production making room for a variety of products such as the extra virgin olive oil, the Sicilian dessert wine Zibibbo, the oregano, the wine vinegar and the red garlic which are treated with meticulous care, in conformity with the rules of a healthy and genuine diet.

Vultaggio Poma Giuseppe    P.I. 02429450816