The guide to the italian Producers of olive oil
Olive Oil
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Gustative and olfactive characteristics, Pungent (9)


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Classic RIO GRIFONE (3 liter tin can) This is the Core product of the Ancient Tuscan Oil Press of Rio Grifone, produced using olives cultivated and harvested from the best local producers who bring the olives to be crushed in our Oil Press. The extracted oil is immediately filtered, placed under ni >>>
RIO GRIFONE CLASSICO (Bottiglia 0,250ml)RIO GRIFONE CLASSICO (Bottiglia 0,250ml)
This is the Core product of the Ancient Tuscan Oil Press of Rio Grifone, produced using olives cultivated and harvested from the best local producers who bring the olives to be crushed in our Oil Press. The extracted oil is immediately filtered, placed under nitrogen in our storage stainless steel s >>>
NEMO... di sicuro...lo sa il TONNONEMO... di sicuro...lo sa il TONNO
NEMO filetti di tonno bianco pescato nel Mare Tirreno in 100% olio di oliva extravergine “gocce di Principio” DOP Cilento >>>
6 bott oliOlivo6 bott oliOlivo
Extra virgin oil oil produced in Basilicata with the traditional method . Hand picked , cold-pressed with granite millstones . The olives are all in the area of Mount Vulture . The oil is scented with fresh balsamic hints of herbs and tomato leaf and fresh almonds . All these fe >>>
bottiglia OLIOLIVObottiglia OLIOLIVO
OLIOLIVO Extra Virgin Olive Oil is produced in Basilicata with the traditional method. It is harvested by hand, cold pressed with millstones of granite and stored in stainless steel tanks protected from any source of light and heat. The oil has a clear yellow colour, with shades of green. It >>>
UNICO - etichetta biancaUNICO - etichetta bianca
Extravirgin Olive Oil Azienda Agricola Bella Vita
Olio extravergine d'oliva dorato con lievi riflessi verdi spiccato carattere dall' intenso profumo, equilibrato, mediamente fruttato con note di mandorla, acidita' particolarmente bassa grazie alla raccolta con reti e alla frangitura delle olive avvenuta entro 1-2 ore dalla raccolta. La cura profusa >>>
DOP Cilento MarsicaniDOP Cilento Marsicani
Extravirgin Olive Oil Marsicani
Olio extravergine di oliva DOP Cilento 2013 Marsicani: Aspetto: molto limpido. Colore: verde vivo con lievissimi riflessi gialli. Odore: fruttato medio-intenso e fresco, con netti e fini sentori vegetali d’erbe campestri appena tagliate, ortaggi a foglia (cicoria, radici e radicchio), cuore di car >>>
Colli del Tifata monocultivar LECCINOColli del Tifata monocultivar LECCINO
L'olio extravergine "Colli del Tifata" proveniente da agricoltura biologica è certificato dalla ECOGRUPPO ITALIA che ne autorizza la vendita >>>