The guide to the italian Producers of olive oil
Olive Oil
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Frantoio Ambrosini, Olive mill

Frantoio Ambrosini, Olive mill

The olives, as they are picked, are poured into a hopper and, using a conveyor belt, transported to the defoliator to remove leaves and other foreign bodies (dirt, crushed stone and twigs). Then the olives are brought to the washer where they are carefully washed. After this phase the olives are ready for crushing. Dopo questa fase le olive sono pronte per la frantumazione. In this phase, the olives, already washed and without leaves, are brought to the oil mill where they are ground into a smooth paste. The obtained paste is fed into the scutching machines and continuously and gently stirred in order to allow the oil droplets inside the paste to be set free and united. Once the scutching phase is completed, the paste is ready for extraction. From the scutching machine the paste is put into the decanter for extraction. By exploiting the property of the specific weights, every single component of the olive (oil, water and olive residues) is separated and sent to various destinations: the olive residues are put into silos and then sent to other facilities, the vegetation water is accumulated in a proper tank and afterwards spread out on the land whilst the oil obtained by extraction is ready for the next phase of separation. This is the completing stage of the crushing procedure. The oil is put into the separators for final cleaning, where any still remaining water and pulp particles are removed. At the end of this stage the oil expresses at best its flavour and its scent as well as its organoleptic qualities. The precious oil is stored in stainless steel containers before being packaged for consumption.

Frantoio Ambrosini    P.I. 00973920119