The guide to the italian Producers of olive oil
Olive Oil
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azienda agricola Carlo Gangitano, Farm

azienda agricola Carlo Gangitano, Farm

The farm of Carlo Gangitano "Tenuta Regaldesi" (from the REGAL: casale), falls in the municipality of Pietraperzia (ENNA) and rises about 500 meters. s.l.m. From the highest point of the farm it is possible to observe the characteristic hilly landscape of the central Sicily where the gaze sweeps towards the horizons: to the north with the Madonie chain, to the south it fades towards the southern coast, while in the east it is possible to observe the snowy majesty Etna. The company covers an area of ​​about 20 hectares, partly cultivated also with almond trees. Our family-run company is the place where the biological process begins and where certified organic products, oil and almonds, come to life. We respect the closed cycle of the nature using animal fertilizers, moreover the fertility and the biological activity of the soil are maintained and strengthened through the agrarian rotations with legumes. The olive grove is made up of many centuries-old Moresca plants, Biancolilla, whose light and very delicate fruity oil can be used both in fish dishes and in desserts. The presence of Giarraffa, Tonda Iblea and Nocellara is also noteworthy.

azienda agricola Carlo Gangitano    P.I. 01183710860