The guide to the italian Producers of olive oil
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Soc. Agr. Sorelle Zappelli Cardarelli s.s., Farm

Soc. Agr. Sorelle Zappelli Cardarelli s.s., Farm

The “Sorelle Zappelli Cardarelli’s Farm” is run by three sisters Maria, Alessandra, and Sara, and it is situated in the hills of Trevi surrounded by olive trees, in the centre of Umbria, green heart of Italy.The main activity of the 50ha farm is the production of extra virgin olive oil in 15 ha of olive trees cultivated according to organic methods, which excludes chemically produced fertilizers and pesticides. Another important activity is the production of wheat, sunflowers, barley, alfalfa but also lumber (from the wood of the farm). The 50,00 ha farm produces also cereals, forage, vegetables, fruit and lumber.

Soc. Agr. Sorelle Zappelli Cardarelli s.s.    P.I. 02553560547